transition description

英 [trænˈzɪʃn dɪˈskrɪpʃn] 美 [trænˈzɪʃn dɪˈskrɪpʃn]

网络  转换描述; 状态转换描述



  1. OV-6b: Operation state transition description
  2. The paper presents a transition from the crisp information system to fuzzy information system, based on the notion of fuzzy similar relations which is used to provide a more realistic the description of relationship between elements.
  3. Liu Xiang's three books are in to the novel transition stage, its itself already initially had the novel factor, the plot integrity, the character image is also bright, the attention humanities environment description, had the very big inspiration to later generation's novel.
  4. Besides, the method of eight bits depicting for transition description of the crossroad is discussed as a keynote because of the convenient calculation for the topology relationship of road network.
  5. The cloud model of the uncertainty transition between a linguistic term of a qualitative concept and quantitative description. Based on the cloud model, a systematic spatial data mining approach of "data-concepts-rules plus exceptions" at different hierarchies in both concept space and feature space is proposed.
  6. Where, state transition diagrams are used as the notation for specifying man-machine dialogue control, and the description for the presentation of application data is done by drawing graphics directly and defining the relationships between the control of the graphics and application data.
  7. It describes two processes of basic transmission, such as service request and service response and three steps of information transition, that is, from requirement information to data description language, from requirement description to service description and from data description language to map data supply.
  8. Making use of the state transition of context with time parameter, it describes the dynamic environment changes. And according to the process-algebra combination theory, it implements the description of the complex environment by synthesizing simple environment states.
  9. Experimental results on a variety of images show that the modified gray level difference is effective on transition region description.
  10. From the study of IPv4/ IPv6 transition, this paper proposed a design of intranet IPv6 network integration platform, and makes a detailed description of its features, functions, services, transition and compatibility mechanisms.
  11. Besides the definition of the state and the action, the key to a transition based parser is the classifier as the action predictor. So after the description of the transition models, we describe the classifiers and the feature extraction strategies we use.
  12. This paper proposes an optimization model for multimode transportation, which fractionizes transportation model parameters, considers transportation transition cost in different delivery vehicles, and supports the description of the whole intermodal transportation process.
  13. A behavior based transition model is employed to describe web services, extending the original description, so that reusing is supported.